
I have been advising and supporting the design and implementation of a Cultural Support Project in Mozambique (January 2014 – December 2016; budget approx. EUR 900,000).

This includes: 
- Support in identifying key local partners and beneficiaries – from nascent cultural platforms in the northern, rural part of the country to experienced institutions in the field of artistic education;
- Strategic and methodological advice so as to maximise the social impact of the project;
- Coaching to local staff members in the field of project planning  and monitoring, budgeting and reporting.

Building bridges between children and the Museum of the Gapar Aitiev Kyrgyz National Museum of Fine Arts (Kyrgyzstan)Cholpon Tentieva, director of public activities, attended an Arts Mediation workshop organised by the Programme.

Building bridges between children and the Museum of the Gapar Aitiev Kyrgyz National Museum of Fine Arts (Kyrgyzstan)
Cholpon Tentieva, director of public activities, attended an Arts Mediation workshop organised by the Programme.

Amelia MatsinheAccomplished musician, director of the Escola de Artes Xiluva – and manager of the Programme. (Photo credit: Ouri Pota Pacamutondo)

Amelia Matsinhe
Accomplished musician, director of the Escola de Artes Xiluva – and manager of the Programme. 
(Photo credit: Ouri Pota Pacamutondo)

Women performing, Isla de Moçambique

Women performing, Isla de Moçambique